Rusty C130 Nissan Laurels in Hyogo, Japan

Rusty C130 Nissan Laurels in Hyogo, Japan

It was a beautiful sunny day today so I went for a walk (as oil filters often do...) and not long after leaving, not one, but two Nissan Laurel (C130) sedans appeared in a rental parking area!

A sign in the back window says "DO NOT TOUCH - NOT FOR SALE" in English. It seems like some tourists or foreign residents in Japan have asked the owner about them. If someone was interested in buying one orboth of them, I wonder what the price would be? Whatever the case, they've been there for a long time already and probably not going anywhere either!

兵庫県で錆びたC130 日産ローレル
リアガラスには英語で「DO NOT TOUCH - NOT FOR SALE」と書かれています。 観光客や在日外国人の方からオーナーに問い合わせられた方もいるようです。 誰かがそれらの 1 つまたは両方を購入する場合、価格がいくらになるか気になります。 いずれにせよ、この2台はすでに長い間止めてあり、おそらくどこにも行かないでしょう!
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